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Tag: ocean

Articles tagged as Ocean

There's Nothing Like a Poconos Vacation!

Posted on February 16, 2023 by Keith Simmons
The first tourists who occupied riverside houses dating back to the 1800s experienced this ultimate relaxation.Located in Pennsylvania, getting there's rather easy since it's accessible from major cities like NY, NJ, Boston and Philadelphia.From hopeless romantics, to retirees, friends and family, those who go to the Poconos will concur that it is habit-forming.The woodlands and mountains which frame picturesque lakes, rivers and enticing waterfalls as you drive by, appear to serve because the perfect welcome mat for all your fun which lies ahead...

Weather on Cozumel Island

Posted on November 3, 2022 by Keith Simmons
It just doesn't get much better compared to the weather on Cozumel.Having an incredible low of only 66 degrees Fahrenheit to a modest most of 93, even the worst of what we'd call "winter" continues to be quite wonderful.Quite often, the temperature hovers round the mid to high eighties and, incredibly, so do the encompassing ocean waters of the island.Lying in the midday, summertime sun, in temperatures around 90 degrees and "cool down" in the ocean waters around 80 to 85 degrees is unimaginable to many travelers...