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Tag: might

Articles tagged as Might

How To Save Money When Travelling

Posted on May 20, 2024 by Keith Simmons
Most of us want a good, relaxing vacation every once in awhile, when possible on a sunny beach in a foreign country.Whenever we finally have the ability to obtain it, we find ourselves met with other issues - in addition to the usual hotel reservations, flight, etc.Once you happen to be a foreign country, you are feeling the necessity to tell everyone back how things are, assure them you're alright and you're having a great time...

The Best Time to Travel to Thailand

Posted on October 9, 2022 by Keith Simmons
There are essentially three seasons in Thailand (though of late the chilly season appears to have gone missing), the seasons are, The Hot, The Wet and The Cold.Cold being a somewhat subjective description, however, the shots of emergency blankets being handed out in the northern states as soon as it drops into a chilly 10 degrees.that's 10 degrees Celsius.So what does every season offer.The Hot March to June: The hottest month is April when the geckos remain inside and many expats look outside at lunch time and decide not to eat instead of melt the walk into a food stall...

Tedious Travel Preparation

Posted on July 11, 2022 by Keith Simmons
Traveling preparation is often conducted as a last minute thought by many flying away for their holidays.All too often we hear stories of individuals who have forgotten to take their passport to the airport and end up missing their flight.Preparation does not need to be a tedious task each time you take a vacation, if you think of a plan that may be followed each time you go on a trip.If you aren't careful though, this listing can extend half way down your driveway...