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The Algarve - Playground of Portugal

Posted on July 24, 2023 by Keith Simmons
The Algarve area of Portugal, which covers the southern-most section of the country, can be an incredibly diverse region.Any holidaymaker will get an enjoyable method of filling their holiday hours.Add a warm, sunny climate almost all year round, and it's really hardly surprising that the Algarve region may be the major tourist area in Portugal.With all that sunshine, naturally many holidaymakers can be found in search of beaches, and they are not disappointed...

Lisbon - The Forgotten Gem of Europe

Posted on December 22, 2022 by Keith Simmons
For most centuries, Lisbon, the administrative centre of Portugal, was thought to be one of the very most magnificent cities in Europe.Using its long history, Moorish influences, stunning location and vast riches from India and Brazil, it was a trading hub for more than 100 years.But a devastating earthquake in 1755, accompanied by fire and a tidal wave, reduced it to ruins and obscurity.Lately, however, Lisbon has begun to come back for some of its former glory...